
Sell Your Company Overview

CyberLynk has put together CyberLynkAcquisitions.com to help potential sellers with not marketing their hosting company the right way but to make sure the process goes as smooth as possible. With over twenty-three acquisitions completed CyberLynk can make the entire very simple for the seller. Our server engineers have the knowledge and processes in place to make these migrations very smooth.

What is your hosting company worth?

This is a difficult question to answer since every hosting company is run differently and there are so many factors that go into performing a valuation. As a general rule the hosting community uses 0.6 to 1.5 times annual revenue. Obviously the valuation can go both lower and higher based on how well your company is run and the type of customers.

Below are some examples of what can increase the valuation of your hosting company:

  • Detailed Records/Stats On Your Company
  • Organic Growth Rate
  • Search Engine Rankings
  • Your Average Sale Amount Per Client (The Higher The Better)
  • Active Affiliate Department
  • Branding of Company Name
  • Companies Reputation
  • The Quality of Your Clients (Cheap Versus Premium)
  • Breaking down customers into types and showing an advantage in marketing
    hosting related products to them.
  • Anything you do differently that gives you an advantage.
  • Type of billing system
  • Customers pay on time
  • Server setup with known control panel like cPanel or Plesk